The Not So Normal - Normal Blog Idea

Why in the world do I think I can magically make my room clean and get like a bazillion loads of laundry folded, the kids rooms clean, the kitchen clean, the pool leaves vacuumed out, the house vacuumed, the bathrooms cleaned up, the dinner made and the last four episodes of CW shows- yes multiple- I was watching watch themselves ------all while spending the last hour (yeah, just an hour, that's what I'll tell everyone....) on Pinterest??? Where does the time go- and why the hell do I think of so many things while I am driving - when I can't do a damn thing about it? (That will have to be a story for another day!)

Yes, my brain works going a million miles a minute, (as do so many women's, I read it in a book- it HAS to be true (maybe men's too - I'm not being biased here, I promise, it's just what I read)) but I had this crazy idea to start a blog.  In creating this blog, I hope to give myself motivation to see the before-and after of my day-to-day, but also all those projects I swear to myself that I am going to finish- or even start for that matter. I also hope to give my daughter and son something to look at to show things they have also been a part of- for a sense of accomplishment and not just sheets of paper with "Certificate of Acheivement" written on it with a sticker to hang on the fridge.  I NEED my husband to see that I am putting good use to those craft project items I've bought from and Michael's and Home Depot, and that they will actually be used so he doesn't start throwing them out.  Who knows what he's thrown already :( I want to change the way I live and make the house 🏠 we bought a Home 🏡 - I know you may not be able to see what I did there- but that house emoji just added a tree (just think of it as flair!)

All in all, I usually set my mind to something and have pretty good results if there is something out there on the horizon to look forward to.  The things like the next project or vacation or kids recital- not like the next load of laundry or the next meal or the garage to clean out. I will use this blog to be that horizon- if I finish one "normal" thing, I can do a fun "not so normal" thing that I WANT to do!   IF I can help people see that the not so normal is the new normal, maybe with this blog I can trick myself into thinking that we are doing well for ourselves and the kids and all our friends and family around us! I CAN be part Pinterest queen and part normal 30-something mom, wife, student, full-time worker - and so can you :)


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